CBU Lasallian Fellows
Each year, five senior students are selected for the distinction of CBU Lasallian Fellow because they embody the values set forth by CBU’s founder, St. John Baptist de La Salle. These awards are presented based upon the reflection of Lasallian values in their scholarship, leadership, and service. Students are nominated to be CBU Lasallian Fellows by CBU faculty and staff because of their commitment to the underserved, their sensitivity to social and community needs, the active nature of their faith, and the difference they make in the world.
The CBU Lasallian Fellows are made possible through the generosity of CBU Trustee Emerita Joyce A. Mollerup and her husband, Trustee Robert (Bob) Buckman.
CBU Lasallian Fellows Class of 2025
Ciridany Genchi Cortez
(Visual Arts ’25)
Ciridany Genchi Cortes, a Fine Arts major from Lavonia, Georgia, is known to many as “Ciri.” She embodies the call to remember that “we are in the Holy Presence of God.” If she’s not in Rosa Deal creating her next masterpiece, you can often find her in the Campus Ministry suite. Whether serving as a leader on the Signum Fidei campus ministry retreat or participating in the Busy Person’s retreat, she is committed to growing her faith. She serves as a liturgical minister and is a part of the pilot cohort of the Lasallian Ambassador Method.
Outside of her campus ministry involvement, Ciri has been a member of the Hispanic Student Association, STARS, Psi Chi, and the Sustainability Coalition. When opportunities to serve the community are available, Ciri is often one of the first to give her time. With the return of the September of Service initiative, she has been able to enact her call to pour into others and be a change agent in the community.
The same values Ciri has sharpened while attending CBU will serve as her global calling card as she impacts others through her positivity and academic prowess!
Tristan Henthorn
(Biology ’25)
Tristan Henthorn, a Biology major from Olive Branch, Mississippi, has truly made the most of his time at Christian Brothers University. Tristan is a member of the CBU Honors Program and spends countless hours in the Cooper-Wilson Center for Life Sciences learning, tutoring, or serving in leadership positions with the Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society. During the summer of 2024, he established a new organization, the Aspiring Physicians of CBU, with a desire to encourage more students to explore medicine as a career. Tristan is partnering with the Office of Advancement to spearhead this new initiative to establish a $25,000 scholarship to support future generations of CBU students.
Outside his academic pursuits, Tristan has served as Prytanis (president) of the Pi-Epsilon chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity. For his impact on the fraternity community at CBU, Tristan was named the 2023-2024 Greek Man of the Year. While quite busy at CBU, Tristan works an overnight shift several days a week at Baptist Hospital to gain valuable “real-life” experience.
Tristan has always displayed a teachable spirit and never backs down from a challenge. He also holds a high regard for his academics. As a student, he is deeply respected by his peers and is faithful, hardworking, and a humble leader.Class of 2024.
Karla Mendoza
(Psychology ’25)
Karla Mendoza, a Psychology major from Independence, Missouri, came to CBU ready to make a difference. As a member of the CBU Honors Program, Karla has represented CBU and presented her research at various conferences during her collegiate experience. Wishing to present at the American Psychological Association (APA) Convention, she took it upon herself to secure financial support to learn first-hand from a wide range of practitioners. Through her determination and opportunities at APA, Karla was one of 25 students to receive a Summer Undergraduate Psychology Experience in Research (SUPER) Fellowship through APA. In addition to the national experiences, Karla has volunteered in the EEG lab with Dr. Jeff Sable.
Karla truly has a heart for service. She worked with Sr. Julita to re-establish Catholic Relief Services (CRS) on the CBU campus and was instrumental in the success of the Buc Stop Food Pantry. In addition to her work with CRS and the Buc Stop, Karla has been a steady advocate for “Sister Supply,” which provides feminine products to students at no cost.
Whether at an international, national, or local level, Karla is an amazing go-getter and a stellar representative of academic excellence at CBU.

Alexis Murrell
(English ’25)
Alexis Murrell, an English major and graduate of Fayette-Ware High School, serves as the Basileus (president) of the CBU Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. She has committed herself to leadership and service at CBU. Whether teaching Sunday school at her church or participating in one of the September of Service opportunities, Alexis is always willing and able to lift a hand and serve others while providing others with the opportunity to grow and succeed.
In addition to her sorority life experience, Alexis serves the campus as a resident assistant and leads the student activities council for the 2024-2025 academic year. Her team plans campus-wide events in conjunction with the Office of Student Engagement.
Alexis is a full-time student at CBU and a teacher’s aide at Arrow Academy of Excellence, located in the neighboring community of Orange Mound. Her commitment to faith and furthering education in children are some of the top reasons her number one goal is to “use whatever God is calling her for to help people in any way possible.” As a student who looks to also become a best-selling author, Alexis will be one of the many greats from CBU, changing lives and making a difference.
Nmesomachi Nnebedum
(Business Administration ’25)
Nmesomachi Nnebedum, a Business Administration major from Michigan, joined the CBU community in the Fall of 2022 as a member of the Men’s Basketball program. Since his arrival, “Nmeso,” as he’s widely known, has made quite the impact at the corner of East Parkway & Central. He was selected as a summer orientation guide and resident assistant and was recognized in these roles for his willingness to go above and beyond for those he encountered. Never one to meet a stranger, he is a friend to all.
Not only has Nmeso embodied the Lasallian principle of inclusive community, but he is also a man of deep faith. Currently serving on the spirituality committee of the Campus Ministry Director’s Council, Nmeso is a leader in the weekly praise and worship opportunities on Tuesday nights and with the LIFE groups.
A man of character and wisdom, it’s easy to see why he has earned the respect of his peers, coaches, and teammates. In his nomination, a staff member wrote, “I truly believe Nmeso to be one of the students who will always be an ambassador for CBU – simply because of the transformation and growth he has experienced here.” Meso’s holistic approach to learning at CBU reflects the Lasallian commitment to nurturing the whole person and is aligned with the core principles of Lasallian education.