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Join us at the Wilson Family Commons and LLC Patio!

Regrettably, we could not publicly celebrate our spring retirees earlier, so please stop by and honor all of our recent retirees for their years of dedication and service. The following will be present, so we can thank them in person:

  • BR. JOEL BAUMEYER, FSC — Retiring after 41 years of service in the School of Sciences Department of Mathematics & Computer Science
  • MS. KAREN CONWAY-BARNETT — Retiring from her position as Dean of Students on October 1 after 25 years of service in the Office of Student Life
  • MS. DONNA FREEMAN — Retired on June 30 after 21 years of service in the Office of the President, the Office of Advancement, and the Office of Admissions
  • MR. M. SCOTT LAWYER, JD — Retired on May 31 after 13 years of full time service in the School of Business and President’s Office
  • DR. MARY OGILVIE — Retired at the end of the spring semester after 29 years of service in the School of Sciences and the Department of Biology

The following will unfortunately not be able to join us for this celebration, but we will certainly lift a glass in their honor:

  • DR. STAN EISEN — Retired at the end of the spring semester after 41 years of service in the School of Sciences and the Department of Biology
  • DR. CAYCE LAWRENCE — Retired at the end of the spring semester after 23 years of service in the School of Business and the Department of Management, Marketing & Economics
  • MS. CAROL NADICKSBERND — Retired on April 15 after 18 years of service in Maintenance/Physical Plant
  • DR. HOLMES PEACHER-RYAN — Retired at the end of the spring semester after 18 years of service in the School of Sciences and the Department of Mathematics & Computer Science.

Because space is necessarily limited due to social distancing, everyone is also invited to enjoy the Wednesday evening concert by Savannah Brister at the Rozier Gazebo (5:00-6:30 pm), should you need to wait a little while to join the celebration and express your congratulations to our honorees.