If you plan to graduate during the 2024-25 academic year, it is very important that you complete a GRADUATION APPLICATION which is located in BannerWeb under “Student Services > Student Records > Apply to Graduate.”  


  • If you plan to graduate in December 2024, the deadline is September 1. 
    Degrees cannot be conferred without an application and the appropriate approvals. If you have not already done so, please file your intent immediately!
  • If you plan to graduate in May 2025 or August 2025, the application deadline is October 1. 

If you have already applied for graduation, you do not need to resubmit your application. BannerWeb will actually block you from submitting another application if there is an active graduation application on file. You can confirm whether or not a graduation application is on file via BannerWeb > Student Services > Student Records > View Application to Graduate.   

The $130 graduation fee is applied at the beginning of the semester in which graduation is anticipated. This application fee is applicable for one year. After this time, students who have not completed their degree requirements will be removed from the graduation list, and they must reapply for graduation, as well as repay the graduation fee. Those filing after the stated deadlines will be assessed a non-refundable late fee of $50.00.