CBU Green Fund
The CBU Green Fund is a campus-based grant program to fund student, faculty, and staff entrepreneurial sustainability projects.

All full-time CBU faculty, staff, and current students (including student organizations) may apply for a grant from the CBU Green Fund. Collaboration between constituencies is encouraged. No one person may serve as a project leader on more than one project in a single academic year. Past grant recipients are eligible to apply again only after they have met the terms of their previous project.
Types of Projects Funded
Education/Community Outreach
Funding may be provided to support programs or activities meant to promote a culture of sustainability, embolden activism, and create behavior changes on campus or in the Memphis community at large.
Funding may be provided to researchers who seek to determine and understand the personal or cultural beliefs, practices, and desires of those in the CBU campus community, particularly in relation to the University’s best practices. Too, researchers seeking to develop new technologies, efficiencies, and deeper scientific understanding of industrial systems or the environment are also eligible for funding.
Infrastructure Development
Funding may be provided to implement or install physical and organizational structures and facilities that are proven to reduce waste and energy expenditures and lessen CBU’s impact on the natural environment.