CBU at Crosstown Concourse
Central Atrium | Level 4 | Suite 462
CBU’s off-site location at Crosstown Concourse in Memphis is now open for:
- Corporate training
- Special events
- And more to come!
Crosstown Concourse, often referred to as a “vertical village,” is a mixed-use complex housing offices, apartments, retail shops, healthcare facilities, and space for the arts. CBU is a founding partner of Crosstown Concourse and has worked closely with Memphis-based developer Crosstown, LLC, since the project’s inception.
View TenantsCrosstown High School Partnership
Crosstown High School (CXH), which opened in August 2018, is also a founding partner of Crosstown Concourse. Charter School CXH was recently selected as one of the coveted awardees of a XQ Super School multi-million dollar grant to promote innovation and real-life learning. CBU President John Smarrelli Jr. was the founding board chair for Crosstown High. Read more about CXH.
Learn more about CXHCorporate Training Services
CBU’s College of Adult and Professional Studies (CAPS) at Christian Brothers University provides a variety of corporate and non-profit training services for clients like FedEx, the City of Memphis, and leaders in the Memphis non-profit community. For more information about corporate training services, contact CAPS staff via email at training@cbu.edu.
Crosstown Concourse History
Memphis’ former Sears, Roebuck & Co distribution center and retail store on North Watkins Avenue was constructed in 1927 and was one of the first Sears stores designed to attract customers to what was then considered a more suburban area providing a large amount of free parking.
The building, known as Sears Crosstown, was a premier retail store for more than 60 years until it ceased operations in 1983. It continued to be used as a distribution center until 1993, when the decline of Sears’ mail-order business led to its closure. The 14-story building sat vacant for twenty years.
Then, in 2007, Memphis-based developer Crosstown, LLC, bought the building with plans to renovate it for a multi-use project serving as a nationally recognized example repurposing historic structures. Crosstown Arts co-founders Todd Richardson and Chris Miner refer to the development as a “vertical urban village.”
The History of Crosstown Concourse