Board of Trustees
The members of the Board of Trustees constitute the legal Directors of Christian Brothers University with general responsibility for management of the University in keeping with its philosophy and purposes. The Board sustains the mission of the University within the traditions of the Christian Brothers, selects the President, approves the budget and the educational program, confers honorary degrees, and institutes and promotes major fundraising efforts of the University.
History of the Board of Trustees
Until the 1966 academic year, the Board consisted solely of representatives from the Brother’s Community, in addition to the Bishop of Nashville, with the St. Louis Provincial serving as the Chairman. The 1970-71 academic year was a period of transition for the Board of Trustees — the St. Louis Provincialate had become the Christian Brothers Midwest District, and the Catholic Diocese of Memphis was established. For the first time, laymen were appointed to the Board of Trustees while others continued to serve on the Board of Regents. In different years, the board names varied from the “Board of Directors” (1947-1949) to the “Board of Trustees” (1949-1967) and back to the “Board of Directors” (1967-1970) to the current title of “Board of Trustees” (1970-present). In the years from 1947-1971, the Board of Directors/Board of Trustees were supplemented with boards of various titles — the Advisory Board or the Board of Regents. The present system, with only a Board of Trustees, began in 1972.
PAUL POSEY, Treasurer
CATHY ROSS (’78), Secretary
RAEGAN COOK (’13), NAB President
BR. CHRIS ENGLERT (’77), Interim President of the University (effective June 1, 2024)
Br. Francis Carr, FSC
Judge J. Robert Carter (’77)
Dr. Jason Chandler (’94)
Br. Patrick Conway, FSC
Michael Deutsch, CFP
Richard L. Erickson Jr. (’90)
Cathy Grilli
Robert Hall
Frank Miley
Br. Augustine Nicolette, FSC
Br. David Poos, FSC
Paul Posey Jr. (’89, MBA ’08)
Beverly Robertson
Dr. Altha Stewart (’73)
Scot Strumminger
Trustees Emeriti
Louis (Bo) Allen (MBA ’95)
Joseph F. Birch Jr., AFSC (’78)
Robert H. Buckman
Bena Cates
Richard T. Gadomski, AFSC (’62)
Robert G. McEniry, AFSC
Joyce Mollerup