Office Supply Partner
Where to Make Office Supply Purchases
CBU’s office supply partner is Highbar Trading Company, a company founded and based here in Memphis. CBU’s representative at Highbar is co-founder Todd Miller, and his contact number is (901) 762-1270.
All office supply orders will be placed via the Highbar online ordering system. The system contains an internal approval process for all items being ordered to ensure we are using our resources responsibly. Orders over $749.99 will continue to require approval from the CFO’s office prior to being placed with a supplier.
Individual account log-ins are sent via email directly to those responsible for office supply orders in each office or unit as the accounts are established. Each account will be electronically coded for accounting purposes. Individual log-ins will be coded with general ledger accounts as well as access to pull down options for departmental ordering.
We have developed a CBU custom catalog based on our purchase history. You will find this catalog to be very extensive. This process improvement will be ongoing and updated periodically so that orders can continue to be placed online while meeting everyone’s operational needs.
This preferred vendor will replace those previously used, including but not limited to Office Depot, Staples, Yuletide Office Products, and Amazon.
Be advised that if purchases are made personally or from a non-designated vendor, the expense will not be reimbursed. Purchases made with a CBU credit card to a non-contracted vendor will not be reimbursed, and the cardholder will be responsible for these charges.
If there are special circumstances surrounding your office supply purchase needs, please contact Procurement Services at (901) 321-3248 or procurement@cbu.edu.