A comprehensive program of services and academic accommodations designed to provide accessibility and accommodations are available to qualified students with disabilities. Some services are available to all students registered with the office; however, academic services and accommodations are individually determined and are based on the student’s current functional limitations outlined in the medical or professional documentation, the student’s compensatory skills, and the requirements of a particular course or program.


Reasonable accessibility and accommodations are individualized and based on the nature of the documented disability and the requirements of specific courses. Accommodations are designed to meet the needs of students without fundamentally altering the nature of the college’s instructional programs. To request an accommodation, please complete the Student Accommodation Request Form.

Examples of commonly requested accommodations include but are not limited to:

  • Assistive technology
  • Emotional support and service animals
  • Extended time on in-class assignments and exams
  • Housing accommodations
  • Permission to record lectures to supplement note-taking
  • Preferential classroom seating
  • Reduced course load with full-time status
  • Service for students with temporary conditions, such as concussion, broken leg/arm, or surgery recovery
  • Testing in a distraction-limited environment

Other relevant services that are available to all students include:

  • the Writing and Communications Corner to assist with writing assignments;
  • the Math Center to assist with math assignments;
  • Peer Educators to answer questions and assist entering students in the transition to college;
  • Study skills workshops that stress time management, concentration, motivation, note taking and test preparation;
  • the STARS (Students Tackling Autism Related Syndromes) Group; and 
  • short-term personal counseling

For more information, please contact the Office of Academic Support at academicsupport@cbu.edu or (901) 321-4456.