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The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering has a rich tradition of producing quality graduates for industry and graduate school and includes two programs: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (ABET-accredited) and Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology.  The Electrical Engineering program included two tracks: Electronics & Systems and Computer Systems. 

  • The Electronics & Systems track emphasizes electronics, controls, and digital systems. This track prepares students for the research, design and production of computers, communication systems, power systems, electrical appliance and many other electronic devices and systems.
  • The Computer Systems track emphasizes digital systems, networks, and complex hardware and software systems; this track prepares students to work with the design and operation of computing systems and digital communication systems.

Electrical & Computer Engineering Program Highlights

  • Technical electives help you customize your education. Courses in Computer Graphics, Advanced C++, Database Management, Video Game Design, iPhone and Android App Development, and many more are offered.
  • Capstone Experience challenges students to apply what they have learned in a comprehensive design project often done in conjunction with an internship or engineering practitioner. This two-semester experience requires students to engage in a complete design cycle from concept development through analysis, design, and report writing.
  • Our Student Chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) provides students with opportunities to enhance leadership skills, build relationships with peers and alumni, and network with business leaders through conferences and seminars.
  • The annual IEEE Student Competition gives students the opportunity to compete with over 100 southeastern engineering schools. Competitions in robotics, website design, academic paper presentation, software/hardware, and ethics help develop skills in oral presentation, written communication, and real-time problem solving.

Engineering Technology Program

Currently, there is a strong nationwide demand for highly skilled employees in the field of high-technology manufacturing, but unfortunately, there is a shortage of qualified candidates. The BSET answers this call by providing graduates with a strong background in robotics, mechatronics, and autonomous systems for all areas of manufacturing as well as other industries that employ such technologies. This includes hands-on technical ability, comprehension of theory and design, management, and project management.

Our program is designed teach students to solve problems utilizing techniques and tools based in mathematics, science, engineering and technology. Learning technical process of designing systems, conducting tests and experiments coupled with training in written, oral and graphical communication prepares students to not only be an effective team member, but to also lead teams with confidence. 

The BS in Engineering Technology program prepares graduates for a career where the focus is on producing, implementing, maintaining, and operating engineering systems. Graduates will be prepared to enter all sectors of business, industry, and government, especially in the fields of manufacturing and logistics.


Within the major, you may choose a concentration in Robotic and Mechatronics Engineering Technology. As automation and robotics increase around us, so does the need for engineers with specialized knowledge in these fields. The study of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering Technology teaches you to develop the best possible design by seamlessly merging mechanical and electronics knowledge. In studying these fields, you will learn the interdisciplinary knowledge necessary for the development of intelligent devices from start to finish, rather than creating separate mechanical, electrical, and control designs. 

You’ll learn how to handle vast amounts of data and create systems that make sense of data in real time. With this knowledge comes the skill to develop, manufacture, and operate the intelligent products and complex systems of today and tomorrow — from assistive medical devices to robots used in space, from consumer electronics to virtual reality, from robotics employed in precision manufacturing to everyday household products that are transformed into truly clever devices.