Language Center

Located on the bustling first floor of the Rosa Deal School of Arts, the CBU Language Center provides curricular support through guided conversations in Spanish and French. Our trained tutors are available by appointment for one-on-one or small group tutoring. We also have additional learning resources available to students to ensure success in CBU’s language courses. Finally, the center provides cultural programming opportunities to promote the study and appreciation of foreign languages and cultures on CBU’s campus.
All students majoring in disciplines within the School of Arts are required to complete courses in the Liberal Arts core. The purpose of the Liberal Arts Core is to provide a common background of knowledge in the humanities and social sciences which serves as a context for more specialized study in the individual major. The Liberal Arts Core requires students to pass a foreign language course at the 202 level. A minor in Foreign Language requires 12 credit hours above the 202 level in one language. A student whose mother tongue is a foreign language may obtain a minor in his/her own language by earning 18 semester hours in courses above the 302 level.
Contact the Language Center