
A CBU Mathematics degree will help you develop skills in problem solving, mathematical proficiency, data analysis, and mathematical modeling which are highly sought across a wide spectrum of science and industry.
Degree Type: BS

Employers are looking for people who have the ability to problem solve and think independently, creatively, and critically. Job prospects are wide open to math majors.

There are opportunities at CBU to experience a small college education and still gain research experience at large research institutions through national and regional summer programs such as the Research Experience for Undergraduate program sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

Program Options

You may select a concentration from one the following:

  • Business
  • Engineering
  • General Science
  • Liberal Arts

Program Highlights

  • Broad range of study including advanced math courses such as probability, statistics, linear algebra, abstract algebra, real analysis, complex analysis, and discrete mathematics
  • Strong preparation for graduate school
  • Support in obtaining a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
  • Dual degree opportunity in Computer Science and Mathematics or Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Math Center for tutoring or help with homework

What You’ll Study

The major requires 122 credit hours. You’ll take CBU general education courses and School of Sciences Support Requirements, plus courses in:

  • Abstract algebra
  • Calculus
  • Differential equations
  • Discrete math
  • Geometry
  • Linear algebra
  • Physics
View Mathematics Course Requirements

Mathematics Minor

The Mathematics minor requires 21 credit hours from the calculus and differential equations course sequence and additional upper-level mathematics courses.


In data from (now CareerCast), mathematicians report the highest rate of satisfaction based on criteria such as work environment, income and job prospects in past years. A degree in the field can lead to the following careers:

  • Actuarial science
  • Education
  • Operations research
  • Data analysis
  • Statistics
  • Market research
  • Research and development in areas including economics, health care, and entertainment

Is a Mathematics Major for You?

If you have more than one or two of these skills and interests, a major may be for you:

  • Math and computers
  • Problem solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Creative modeling
  • Abstraction
  • Data management

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