Additional Details

Sister Helen Prejean is a leader in the movement to abolish the death penalty and has worked actively on behalf of both death row inmates and family members of murder victims.

Her first book, Dead Man Walking: An Eyewitness Account of the Death Penalty in the United States (1994), narrated her experiences as a spiritual adviser to two condemned men, Sonnier and Robert Willie, both of whom she accompanied to the death chamber. The book described her early years of involvement with those affected by capital punishment, including family members of death row inmates, family members of murder victims, prison officials, lawyers, activists, and the inmates themselves. It was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and became a number-one New York Times best seller. Prejean’s book was adapted into the feature-length film in 1995 (which will be screened on Monday, October 26), starring Susan Sarandon as Prejean.

Meeting # 898 6963 0935 • Passcode: 672826

The Zoom presentation will also be presented live in the University Theater. REGISTER HERE FOR THEATER SEATING!

Presented by the President’s Commission on Social Justice, the Religion and Philosophy Department, Campus Ministry, and SGA