Brother David Poos, FSC (’76)
After graduating from Newport Catholic High School in Newport, Kentucky, Brother David Poos joined the Christian Brothers in June of 1972. The Brothers’ postulancy at that time was in Stritch Hall on the Christian Brothers College campus.
In August of 1972, Brother David and his classmates moved to Glencoe, Missouri to begin the next phase of their formation, the Novitiate. Upon completion of the Novitiate, Brother David returned to Memphis and CBC (now CBU), where he completed his BA in 1976.
Brother David’s first teaching assignment was at Christian Brothers College High School (CBCHS) in St. Louis, where he taught English and was the moderator of the student newspaper and bowling team. After three years, he returned to his alma mater, Newport Catholic, for three years, then to St. Mary High School in Paducah, Kentucky and La Salle High School in Cincinnati. In 1985, he returned to St. Louis and transitioned into administration as Dean of Students at CBCHS for four years. In 1989, he was named Principal/President of Bishop Kelley High School in Tulsa, Oklahoma and served there for 13 years. This was followed by another return to St. Louis, where he served as a consultant to De La Salle Middle School at St. Matthew’s and as Principal of CBCHS.
Brother David then moved to Christian Brothers High School in Memphis in 2015 and returned to the classroom as a full-time English teacher. In January of 2019, he was appointed President of CBHS. Brother David has an MA in Reading from the University of St. Thomas and an MA in Educational Administration from St. Louis University.
As President of CBHS, Brother David is the visionary leader of the school. He directs and supports the work of the Principal, the Controller, the Advancement Team, Admissions Team, Marketing and Communications, and Human Resources.
My education at CBC prepared me well for my ministry of teaching. The small class sizes, the friendly atmosphere, and the dedication and commitment of the faculty and staff encouraged us and challenged us to be the best that we could be. It also provided us the opportunity to get to know our teachers and classmates on a more personal level. It truly is a Lasallian community.