The Department of History & Political Science provides students with a firm grounding in the historical and political foundations of both Western and non-Western societies, fosters growth in students’ analytical and communication abilities, and prepares departmental majors for success in both professional and post-graduate academic settings.

History & Political Science classroom

Why Study History?

History is an ambitious discipline that takes as its subject all of the activities of humanity from its earliest days to the present. Historians try to reconstruct the past based on evidence that includes documents, cultural artifacts, and for more recent historical topics, interviews with people who have memories of the events. The study is important because it helps you to better understand the world in which you live and the people who inhabit it; it provides you with an explanation of how we got where we are now. The study of history should leave you with a level-headed and long-term perspective based on the knowledge that the world has always been affected by good and evil, that change is the result of complex and often unpredictable factors, and that the flow of human experience is made up of both continuity and change.

Perhaps most importantly, the study allows you to acquire skills and habits of mind that are broadly useful and transferable to a variety of life situations and jobs. History emphasizes examining situations from different perspectives, careful reading of texts, a critical attitude towards information with an eye towards bias and/or falsity, the ability to answer difficult questions by conducting competent research, making conclusions based on careful consideration of evidence, and being able to clearly explain your ideas to others. This knowledge and skill set not only makes you a more informed citizen, but allows you to go on to jobs in teaching, public history, or into the popular paths of business, law, or government. The abilities gained are also an excellent preparation for the growing range of jobs in the service sector that require adaptability and strong communication skills. Whatever direction your career may lead, the knowledge and skills gained through historical studies can help you land a first job, succeed in your profession, and lead a more thoughtful and engaged life.

Pre-Law Program

History & Political Science are perfect choices if you’re interested in going to law school. CBU’s Pre-Law advisor provides advice on preparing for, choosing, and applying to law school, information about the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), and access to publications from law schools across the United States. You’ll also have special Pre-Law courses that will prepare for your career ahead.

Internships and Study Abroad Options

The Department of History & Political Science encourages all of its majors to consider study abroad and internship opportunities. Students have recently studied abroad in Scotland, England, and South Africa. They have completed internships with the National Civil Rights Museum, the Mid-South Peace and Justice Center, the Memphis Public Library, the Pink Palace, and local congressional and law offices.

We also invite you to join the History & Political Science faculty and a number of students and become active in Phi Alpha Theta, the International Honorary History Society. Alpha Delta Phi, the local chapter, is regularly engaged in service projects and stages a number of social and educational events that are open to members and non-members during the academic year. These include the sponsoring of speakers to the campus as well as visits to exhibitions and museums. Our members have also presented scholarly papers at regional and national Phi Alpha Theta conferences.