Placement Testing FAQs
New students have to take placement tests based on their intended major and ACT/SAT test scores. Check out the placement testing FAQs on this page to find out more.
How do I know which tests I need to schedule?
New students are required to take placement tests based on their intended major and ACT/SAT test scores. All students are welcome to take any placement test even if it is not required for their major.
Recommended Placement Tests are found inside BannerWeb on the student’s Placement Profile. To access that page, log into BannerWeb. You will then access the Student Services tab, then select Student Records, then select Placement Profile. If you need to take any Placement Tests they will all be listed on that page.
How do I register for placement testing?
Placement testing is scheduled online. You will need to plan to take your placement tests before attending Summer Orientation. In order to register for testing, you will need your CBU ID number, your CBU email address, and your intended major.
When will I receive my results?
Test results will be available within 10 business days. Your results will be emailed to your CBU email address. If your placement tests results allow you to take a higher level course you may go ahead and enroll in that course. If the results place you in the same or a lower course, you may stay in what you are currently registered for and register for the lower course.
What if English is not my first language?
Non-Native English speakers are required to take the English Placement Test. Students will write an essay that will be graded by professors in the Literature and Languages Department. Your results will be available within ten business days.
I live out of state; what are my best testing options?
We understand that living far from CBU can make attending testing and Summer Orientation more difficult so we have alternatives for you. Please email advising@cbu.edu to speak with an advisor on how to complete your placement testing.
Will a confirmation be sent to me once I sign up?
Yes, you will receive a confirmation email when you register for testing. You will also receive communication in the week prior to your scheduled tests. If you are required to take additional tests (other than what you signed up for) you will be automatically registered for those tests. Your confirmation email may not include this data as it is automatically sent when you register. However, all your required tests will be listed on your placement testing email which will be sent the week prior to testing.
What do I need to bring with me on the day of testing?
- Photo Identification
- 2 pencils
- Non-graphing calculator (chemistry placement tests only)
- Your student ID number (located on your admission letter)
Where should I park?
Please park in the parking lot off of Central Avenue. Download a map (PDF) of campus and adjacent streets.
What is the agenda for the day?
Please refer to your placement testing email for your check-in time and testing location.
Are there places to eat on break?
The CBU campus has multiple food options. Vending machines are located throughout campus. You may want to bring your own snacks or lunch if you are staying for several tests. Open food and drinks are not allowed in the testing room so please make sure you have everything inside a bag or other container.
Is there a benefit to testing early? Are there any deadlines for testing?
The earlier you complete your required placement tests, the better chance you have of getting the classes you want.
When will I find out how I did on the tests?
Your results will be sent to your CBU email within ten business days. You will also have time to meet with an advisor at Summer Orientation to go over your results and adjust your schedule if you have not already done so.
When will I get my Student ID card?
You can get your Student ID card made any time you come to campus, such as for Placement Testing or your Summer Orientation session.
I’ve taken my placement tests; can I register for classes now?
Registration for freshmen opens May 1 for all students who have been accepted and have paid their deposit. Once you have taken your Placement Tests you will be told if you have placed into a higher course.
If I took AP, CLEP, or IB courses, do I still need to take the placement tests?
We recommend that you complete placement testing even if you have taken AP/IB courses. You are permitted to use whichever scores, your AP/IB/CLEP or placement tests, place you higher when choosing your courses so it is to your benefit to complete placement testing.
Scores from AP/IB/CLEP tests completed in May arrive at CBU in July. Because you might attend Summer Orientation and register for courses prior to CBU receiving your results, course availability may be limited by the time your AP/IB/CLEP credits are evaluated. If your AP/IB/CLEP results are not received by the time you attend Summer Orientation, you will not be able to register for those courses if you have not completed a placement test. You can use your placement scores to register for classes and we will still honor the credit and/or placement you earn via AP/IB/CLEP when those scores arrive on campus. Please notify your advisor at Summer Orientation that you have taken AP/IB/CLEP courses.
View CBU’s AP/IB/CLEP score acceptance policy (requires login).
How do I acquire accommodations for testing?
If you require non-standard testing conditions, please email Robert Dotson, Disability Services Officer in the office of Academic Services.
Am I allowed to retest?
CBU does not allow retesting in foreign languages and English. A student wishing to retake the math or chemistry placement may sign up for a later placement testing day pending space availability.
Who should I contact for answers to my other question(s)?
Academic Services and Faculty Development Office | advising@cbu.edu