ABZ2: Artists’ Books, Prints, and Zines
August 19 – October 11, 2024

The term “zine” is shortened from the word “fanzine” which is a play on “magazine.” Historically the use of the word appears to have originated around the 1930s when fans of science-fiction and horror began publishing their own booklets and pamphlets. These “zines” responded to the genres and offered fans a means to communicate with and support each other.
During the twentieth century, printing technologies became more affordable and accessible to the individual consumer, and the zine form was embraced by activists, musicians, writers, artists, tradespeople, and hobbyists to quickly share ideas and connect with their communities. Though the internet has made it possible to share information nearly instantly, the desire to hold a book persists. Makers continue to host zine fairs, where self-publishers gather to sell and trade their publications.
Curated by artist and designer Corkey Sinks, “ABZ2” presents a spectrum of contemporary approaches to print media with an emphasis on self-publishing. Whether the works present a linear narrative or play with sequence and juxtaposition of images, the act of holding the work in one’s hands and turning the pages creates an intimate connection between the artist and the reader. The works in “ABZ2” reveal urgent and playful observations of artists’ present conditions, reflections on history, and speculations about the future. The works range in scale, in edition size, and in material, yet they share a common commitment to artistic investigation and celebration of printed matter and DIY spirit.
Corkey Sinks (b. Dallas, TX) is an artist and designer based in Memphis, TN. She has worked as the Graphic Designer and Production Manager at the Dixon Gallery and Gardens since 2015. Sinks received a BA in Media Studies from the Johnston Center for Integrative Studies at the University of Redlands, CA in 2005 and an MFA in Studio Art from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2012. After moving to Memphis, Sinks founded Walls Divide Press through which she designs and publishes artists’ books, zines, and multiples. She was the second Artist-in-Residence at Crosstown Arts in Memphis, TN, and she has participated in several project-based residencies including CAMP CARPA (The Craft Advanced Research Projects Agency), the Golden Dome School, and the Tulsa Artist Fellowship.