Please see below if you need information on summer registration, tuition, and financial aid for summer courses.

How to Register

Summer Registration for Current CBU Students

  1. Review the steps on the registration webpage to make sure you are cleared and ready for registration. 
  2. Get your alternate PIN:
    • Undergraduate day students, contact your Academic Advisor to set up an advising appointment and to get an alternate PIN.
    • Globel College, Nursing & Graduate students: Your alternate PIN is available in BannerWeb on the ALT PIN page.
  3. Register online via BannerWeb.

Summer Registration for Visiting Summer Students

  1. Apply online and select “Summer Student” on your application.
  2. An Admissions team member will be in touch quickly to help you register for the classes you need.

Tuition and Fees

At CBU, we want to make your education affordable and accessible. If you have questions about Summer 2025 tuition and fees, please contact the Business Office at or (901) 321-3380.

  • Undergraduate Tuition: $545 per credit hour. Some programs may have additional fees.
  • Graduate tuition varies; please contact us at Graduate Admissions for specific tuition and fee information.

You can see all Tuition and Fees online.

Summer Financial Aid

Summer Financial Aid is often available for many students. Your first step for any award is to make sure you’ve completed the current year Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at FAFSA® Application | Federal Student Aid

To find out if you qualify for summer Financial Aid, fill out the form below.

If you received the Federal Pell award during the Fall and Spring semesters, you are eligible to receive Federal Pell during the Summer semester.

If you have questions, contact the Office of Financial Aid at to find out if you qualify for support.

Registration Now Open