Internships are a valuable part of your college experience. CBU has more than 200 approved internship sites across the Memphis area. Internships allow you to connect what you learn in the classroom to real work environments. You will also develop work skills that will follow you into your career.
All internships give you career-related experience, but your individual internship can vary:
- Internships can be paid, for academic credit, or both.
- You commit 10-20 hours per week.
- Paid internships range from $10 to $20 per hour.
- Internships can be part-time during either semester, and/or full-time during summer months.
Paid Internships
Internship opportunities that are offered for pay are posted through our Handshake system. You can apply through the system or directly to employers.

Academic internships at local nonprofit organizations may be funded through The City of Memphis, Division of Housing and Community Development, making Memphis a world-class city by facilitating and delivering resources and services that improve the quality of life for every neighbor and neighborhood. To apply for funding, contact Career Services.
Academic Internships
Through the CBU Academic Internship Program, you can earn academic credit while gaining experience at internship sites across the Memphis area. What you learn in class takes on new meaning as you apply it in business, government, and non-profit environments.
Student Guidelines
- Internships are available to Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors with a 2.50 Overall GPA.
- You must obtain faculty approval from the department awarding the credit on the Internship Application (PDF) and sign the General Waiver/Release.
- You must register for the internship course upon receiving email notification from the Registrar’s Office.
- You must complete the internship during the semester/term in which you are receiving credit for the experience. No retroactive credit will be given. To receive credit for summer internships, you must pay summer tuition per credit hour.
- You must inform the internship supervisor of requested time off and arrange to make up time missed in order to complete hour requirements. You must abide by the employer’s policies regarding conduct, dress, and protocol.
- You are expected to complete all assignments in a thorough and timely fashion.
- Throughout the internship, you are encouraged to seek feedback from the supervisor. You will complete an evaluation of the internship experience at its conclusion.
Employer Guidelines
- The internship must be related to one or more of the academic departments at CBU.
- The intern’s work must be project-oriented. No more than 25% of the work should involve clerical responsibilities (such as faxing, copying, answering phones, cold calling, and filing).
- A complete job description must be provided that includes student learning objectives for the internship.
- The intern must report to a professional staff member and be housed at the internship site.
- The intern supervisor must meet with the intern at the beginning of the term to provide an orientation and to explain responsibilities and expectations.
- The intern supervisor is encouraged to provide feedback to the intern throughout the internship. A formal evaluation of the student will be requested by Career Services at the end of the semester.
- The intern must work approximately 8 to 10 hours per week for a 3-hour credit internship. Approximately 5 hours of work per week must be completed for a 1-hour credit internship and 8 hours per week for a 2-hour credit internship. The internship lasts for approximately 15 weeks and can occur each Spring and Fall semester.
- The internship does not require pay in that the student will receive academic credit. However, the student can receive compensation if the employer chooses to pay the intern.
Employer Application Process
- Complete the online Academic Internship Proposal Form.
- Receive notification of approval from Career Services Director.
- Once approved, the internship site will be listed on the approved list of academic internships for Fall and Spring semesters.