Clubs and Organizations
Getting involved outside of the classroom is one of the easiest ways to give back to the community, stay connected to campus, and have fun! With so many on-campus clubs and organizations, there’s a place for everyone.
For those interested in starting student clubs and organizations, please see the Starting a Student Organization page for more information or call (901) 321-3539.
Current CBU Student Clubs and Organizations
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
Manly Deeds, Scholarship and Love for All Mankind.
Stimulate the ambition of its members. To prepare them for the greatest usefulness in the causes of humanity, dignity and freedom of the individual. To encourage the highest and noblest form of manhood and to aid down-trodden humanity in its efforts to achieve higher social, economic and intellectual status.
Primary Contact: Devin Thompson dthomp16@cbu.edu
Alpha Xi Delta
Alpha Xi Delta inspires women to realize their potential by providing opportunities for sisterhood, leadership, knowledge and service.
Primary Contact: Lisbeth Morales lmorale2@cbu.edu
American Advertising Federation: Christian Brothers University
Our Mission
The American Advertising Federation protects and promotes the well-being of advertising. We accomplish this through a unique, nationally coordinated grassroots network of brands, agencies, media companies, local advertising clubs, and college chapters.
Our Goals
Bring members together to deliver creative business solutions
Keep members abreast of the latest trends in technology, creativity and marketing
Promote diversity and inclusion in advertising
Honor and celebrates advertising excellence
Develop the industry’s future leaders
Protect and promotes advertising at all levels of government through grassroots activities
Offer engaging programs to encourage local association volunteer leadership
Utilize industry expertise to address community issues
Provide opportunities for professionals to build supportive relationships with others in the advertising industry
Our Efforts
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Education & Lifelong Learning
Government Affairs & Policy
Events & Experiences
Primary Contact: Rebecca Phillips – Director of Education Committee rlwphillips@gmail.com
American Chemical Society (Student Members of the American Chemical Society – SMACS)
Mission Statement: The Student Members of the American Chemical Society (SMACS) is a professional organization dedicated to science education and outreach in the community in which the club is located. The service goals of the club focus on involvement of K-12 students in the activities that provide opportunities to learn, to compete, and to experience the fun side of science.
Major Goals:
To expand membership and increase the number of activities each year.
Primary Contact: Dalton Bolgeo dbolgeo@cbu.edu
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
AIChE is a professional organization which seeks to provide students with opportunities to meet professional chemical engineers in the field, tour chemical plants, and support current students.
Primary Contact: Victor Hoang vhoang@cbu.edu
American Society of Civil Engineers
Mission, aim, purpose, and goals of the organization:
The vision of ASCE is the engineers as global leaders building a better quality of life. Its mission is to provide essential value to its members, their careers, our partners, and the public through developing leadership, advancing technology, advocating lifelong learning and promoting the profession.
Primary Contact: Martin Benitez mbenitez@cbu.edu
Asian Student Association
We aim to preserve the Asian culture, promote a cross-cultural experience, and create a supportive learning environment regardless of race, color, gender, or ethnicity.
Primary Contact: Carina Buenaventura cbuenave@cbu.edu
Our mission is to build a strong and motivated team to design and build a Mini Baja car each year in order to be competitive at the SAE competition at the end of each school year. We hope to give students the opportunity to get hands on experience and gain knowledge for future classes.
Primary Contact: Matthew Mullins mmullin3@cbu.edu
Beta Beta Beta Honor Society
Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society is a society for students, particularly for undergraduates. It seeks to encourage scholarly attainment in this field of learning by reserving its regular membership for those who achieve superior academic records and who indicate special aptitude for and major interest in the life sciences. It desires to cultivate intellectual interest in the natural sciences and to promote a better appreciation of the value of biological study, and thus welcomes into associate membership all those students who are interested in biology. Beta Beta Beta also endeavors to extend the boundaries of man’s knowledge of nature by encouraging new discoveries through scientific investigation and to this end encourages undergraduate students to begin research work and report their findings in the journal of the society, BIOS. It emphasizes, therefore, a three-fold program: stimulation of scholarship, dissemination of scientific knowledge, and promotion of biological research.
Primary Contact: Eli Coronado ecoronad@cbu.edu
Black Student Association
The mission of the Black Student Association is to form a platform for all students at Christian Brothers University and to assist in the development of minority students on an educational, political, social, and economic level. We want to make the presence of minority students on the predominantly white campus known, and provide activities that will promote cultural awareness and fellowship.
Primary Contact: Faith Ivy fivy@cbu.edu
Catholic Student Association (CSA)
The mission of the Catholic Student Association is as follows: to represent the Catholic students of CBU and provide an intentional community that nourishes the faith and fellowship of said students, as well as that of all those students who are not Catholic but wish to participate in that community.
Primary Contact: Astrid Zuniga azuniga1@cbu.edu
CBU Panhellenic Council
The object of the College Panhellenic Association shall be to develop and maintain women’s sorority life and interfraternity relations at a high level of accomplishment and in so doing to:
- Consider the goals and ideals of member organizations as applicable to campus and personal life.
- Promote superior scholarship and intellectual development.
- Cooperate with member women’s sororities and the university/college administration to maintain high social and moral standards.
- Act in accordance with National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) Unanimous Agreements, policies and best practices.
- Act in accordance with such rules established by the Panhellenic Council as to not violate the sovereignty, rights and privileges of member sororities
Primary Contact: Reese Earleywine rearleyw@cbu.edu
Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization (CEO)
Mission: to inform, support and inspire college students to be entrepreneurial and seek opportunity through enterprise creation. With a diverse entrepreneurial community and global network, CEO provides student entrepreneurs with opportunities, events, chapter activities and conferences to help start businesses. The highlight of the year is the annual Global Conference hosted each fall.
Aim: to serve more than 400 colleges and universities helping students achieve their entrepreneurial dreams and goals. CEO provides student entrepreneurs with opportunities, events, chapter activities and conferences to help start businesses.
Purpose: to bring new opportunities, benefits, and resources to the campus for student entrepreneurs or those interested in entrepreneurship.
Goals: to bring new opportunities and resources to the campus that many could benefit from. Compete in pitch competitions and open many doors for CBU and the students involved.
Primary Contact: Perla Lopez Moralez plopezmo@cbu.edu
The purpose of this club is to carry out the commitment to assist the poor and vulnerable both domestically and overseas. We are motivated by the gospel of Jesus Christ to cherish, preserve and uphold the sacredness and dignity of all human life, foster charity and justice, and embody Catholic social and moral teaching as we act to promote human development by responding to major emergencies, fighting disease and poverty, and nurturing peaceful and just societies as well as serve Catholics [and non-Catholics just the same] in the USA as they love their faith in solidarity with their brothers and sisters around the world.
Delta Sigma Pi – Epsilon Psi Chapter
Delta Sigma Pi is a professional, co-ed fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce, and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture and the civic and commercial welfare of the community.
Primary Contact: Susana Ramirez sramire5@cbu.edu
Delta Sigma Theta
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated is an organization of college educated women committed to the constructive development of its members and to public service with a primary focus on the Black community.
Primary Contact: Taya Lee Leetaya000@gmail.com
eSports Club
The eSports club will unite the gaming community at CBU, to support the development of collegiate eSports, and to grow the next generation of industry leaders. We work to accomplish this by creating an open, supportive environment for all students to express their passion for gaming, by hosting events in the pursuit of creating memorable experiences for our members, by developing the best players and creating the best eSports teams at CBU, and by offering our members the chance to gain real industry experience and develop their skills within our leadership team. The eSports club will serve as the pipeline to our first athletic division 2 eSports team at CBU.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Christian Fellowship among students, student-athletes, and faculty. To be disciples of Christ, and make Disciples of Christ.
Primary Contact: Will Clayton
Gender – Sexuality Alliance
The GSA, in accordance with the principles and values of Christian Brothers University, will actively bridge LGBT+ people and their straight allies together by serving as a constructive medium, which encourages the campus community to explore their relationship with their peers and humanity. GSA believes that its mission is fulfilled in three ways:
a. Building Community
i. GSA will function as a social venue, which brings LGBT+ and
straight people together through various events, meetings, and
other activities. GSA realizes that person-to-person interaction
is essential in the establishment of an open, accepting, and
inclusive environment on campus.
b. Understanding
i. In the promotion of justice and acceptance of others, GSA will
be a forum that provokes thought through education. GSA
recognizes that real understanding comes from the channeling
of discussion and welcomes free dialogue amongst all people.
c. Supporting
i. GSA will strive, to the best of its abilities, to provide for those
who feel they are in need of support by maintaining an open-
door policy for dialogue and providing outside resources. It
must be understood that, in certain circumstances, GSA cannot
guarantee total confidentiality.
What is the criteria for membership in your organization: * *
GSA shall not deny consideration for membership to any student because of
race, color, religion, national origin or citizenship status, ethnicity, sex,
gender, gender identity and/or expression, pregnancy, sexual orientation,
age, disability, or military/veteran status. GSA reserves the right to collect a
semester membership fee. In order to be considered a member, any
membership fees that have been designated for the academic year by the
Executive Council must be paid in full. All GSA members and members of the
Executive Council must be regularly admitted students at Christian Brothers
University. Anyone who maliciously outs or intentionally cause harm either
emotionally or physically to a member of the LGBT+ community will not be
allowed to be a part of the GSA or take part in our events.
Primary Contact: Caleb Jones cjones84@cbu.edu
Hispanic Student Association
Our mission is to bring awareness and celebrate the diversity that exists in Hispanic and Latin America History, tradition and rich culture.
Primary Contact: Erika Ruballos eruballo@cbu.edu
IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) CBU Memphis Branch
Our core purpose at IEEE is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE will be essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere and be universally recognized for the contributions of technology and of technical professionals in improving global conditions.
On a campus level, we aim to contribute to the CBU community with our knowledge and skills in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science while fostering a community amongst students in these fields. IEEE aims to prepare our members for academic success during their time at CBU and professional success when they leave.
Primary Contact: Ebuka Ibekwe cibekwe@cbu.edu
Indian Student Association (ISA)
“Our mission- To bring all the Indian students into one roof and also help the new arrivals to adjust to new culture”
“Our vision- improve cultural values in the campus by promoting Indian culture.”
We like to create a diverse environment to promote and enhance Indian culture, traditions, and values through community engagement, cultural and social programs, religious festivity, education, and healthy activity, resulting in a well-educated and confident Indian community that proudly stands together with other communities contributing to CBU’s multi-cultural diversity. We would love to work on a purpose to provide an opportunity for Indian students to interact and share the joy of the culture and heritage, and to help new students coming from India. We also as ISA like to serve and promote the awareness of cultural diversity on campus by organizing cultural and social events on campus.
Primary Contact: Vineela Madhuri Karri vkarri@cbu.edu
Interfraternity Council
The purpose of this organization shall be to develop and maintain fraternity life and Interfraternity relationships, and in doing so to:
A. Promote and maintain fraternal spirit, ideals, and leadership among fraternities at Christian Brothers University particularly in the areas of scholarship, recruitment, finances, and social activities, acting as a forum for Interfraternity dialogue.
B. Act in conjunction with member fraternities and the University to promote and maintain high social and moral standards.
C. Provide programming that will enhance the productivity of the fraternity community.
D. Act as a liaison between member fraternities and other student organizations, the student body, the faculty, and the administration of this University.
E. Foster the development of a positive relationship between the community and member fraternities.
F. Institute policies and rules that will further the pursuit of these such stated objectives.
G. Follow such rules established by said Council so as not to violate the sovereignty, rights, and privileges of member fraternities.
Primary Contact: Evan Turriff eturriff@cbu.edu
Kappa Sigma Xi-Eta Chapter
Our mission is to complement and enhance the educational mission of the host institution, promote the ideal of Brotherhood, and actively contribute to the personal growth and development of its members along with the community.
Mathematical Association of America (MAA)
The purpose of MAA is to encourage students to continue study in the mathematical sciences, provide opportunity to meet with other students interested in mathematics, interact with prominent mathematicians at national meetings, and provide career information in the mathematical sciences.
Primary Contact: Michael Pearson maahq@maa.org
Memphis Wesley
Our mission at Memphis Wesley is to be a diverse and inclusive multi-campus faith community welcoming all students.
Our vision is to strive to be a student movement developing spiritual leaders for justice and equity in Memphis and beyond.
Primary Contact: Jackie Madrid jmadrid1@cbu.edu
Mu Epsilon
The purpose of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated is to cultivate and encourage high scholastic and ethical standards; to promote unity and friendship among college women; to study and help alleviate problems concerning girls and women; to maintain a progressive interest in college life and to be of Service to All Mankind.
Primary Contact: Karsen Mackenzie Springfield kspringf@cbu.edu
Muslim Student Association
The Muslim Student Association of Christian Brothers University originated to bring together Muslims of diverse backgrounds and cultures under one unified, organized, proactive community. The MSA stands upon the principles of inclusiveness, responsibility, and action. As an organization aimed primarily at the student body, we strive to remain inclusive of those who wish to understand, appreciate, and practice their Islam without compromising their morals and beliefs. The MSA also reaches out to those who are not Muslims, primarily to educate them about the misconceptions regarding Islam and the Islamic way of life, and to include anyone willing to stand up for truth, justice, and peace. Aside from fostering a social community for Muslims, the MSA encourages mental, physical, and spiritual development through an array of programs, spiritual discussions, and charity events. The ultimate goal of the MSA is to encourage both Muslims and non-Muslims to evolve intellectually, physically, and spiritually during their tenure at Christian Brothers University and to become enlightened, responsible, and just individuals.
Primary Contact: Julia Kanawati jkanawat@cbu.edu
National Panhellenic Council (NPHC)
The purpose of the NPHC shall be to foster cooperative actions of its members in dealing with matters of mutual concern. To this end, the NPHC promotes the well-being of its affiliate fraternities and sororities, facilitates the establishment and development of local councils of the NPHC and provides leadership training for its constituents.
In the furtherance of the Mission Statement, NPHC recognizes the following objectives:
- Assist in establishing and facilitating local councils on campuses and within communities wherein chapters of these fraternities and sororities are located.
- Serve as the communication link between/among these constituent fraternity and sororities, especially in matters such as scheduling workshops and national meetings.
- Conduct periodic workshops or training sessions with the officers of the local councils to ensure a clear understanding of common operations procedures.
- Conduct a NPHC National Convention/Undergraduate Leadership Conference of the active membership, officers and delegates of the National Pan-Hellenic Council and the constituent local councils.
- Work cooperatively with and contributes to other community groups. These include agencies such as the National Black Leadership Roundtable, National Coalition of Black Voter Participation, NAACP, Urban League, National Council of Negro Women, United Negro College Fund, National Interfraternity Conference, National Panhellenic Conference, Association of Fraternity Advisors, Fraternity Executives Association, and Congressional Black Caucus among others.
- Provide unity and economic empowerment through and by the member organizations.
- Perform such other coordinating functions as set forth within the Constitution and Bylaws of the National Pan-Hellenic Council or as determined by the Executive Board of the NPHC, Inc.
Primary Contact: Tori Fox tfox4@cbu.edu
Nursing Student Organization
The mission of the Nursing Program(NSO) at CBU is to prepare the student to meet the ever-changing needs of a global community. This mission is congruent with that of the parent institution, as the nursing program relies on the concepts of teaching as ministry and providing challenging student-centered learning and personal growth. The nursing program welcomes students of diverse cultures and religious traditions into its educational community of faith and service. The program is committed to academic excellence, which allows students the opportunity to perfect their skills for the betterment of society. The mission of the Nursing Program is consistent with the values that epitomize the caring, professional nurse, as identified in The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice (AACN, 2008, p. 27) and the competencies of the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN).
The mission of the Nursing Student Organization (NSO) is to support the mission and philosophy of the nursing program.
The function of the NSO shall be to:
- Assume responsibility for contributing to the nursing program to provide the highest quality compassionate care to the community.
- Aid in the development of the whole person, including their professional roles and responsibility for the health care of people in all walks of life.
Students become members after acceptance into the nursing program. The organization will consist of at least ten members or more.
Primary Contact: Samantha Marchionda smarchio@cbu-edu Phone: (901) 651-8880
Faculty Staff Advisor: Dr. Mary C. Elliotte melliot2@cbu.edu Phone: (901)-786-2221
Vice President & Treasurer/Finance Director: Bara’a Shamoon Phone: (901) 264-6297
Executive Board Officers and email:
Pamela Ciru-Banegas – Secretary– pciru@cbu.edu
Kiya Reliford — Social Chair- krelifo1@cbu.edu
Mary Catherine Enriquez– Co-Social Chair- menrique@cbu.edu
Tiffany Austin- Cohort Rep- taustin4@cbu.edu
Marisol Arano- Cohort Rep- mherrer3@cbu.edu
Tierreney Levy- Cohort Rep- tlevy1@cbu.edu
Ashley Bond Watkins – Cohort Rep- abond3@cbu.edu
Omicron Epsilon Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Incorporated
The purpose of Kappa Alpha Psi is achievement in every field of human endeavor.
Primary Contact: Aaron Cooper aaroncooperq@gmail.com
The purpose of the student society shall be to serve as the official organization for the students of
CBU MSPAS program to promote academic achievement, clinical excellence, and to promote the physician assistant as a crucial member of the health care delivery team.
Primary Contact: Nicole Morgan nmorgan1@cbu.edu
Phi Alpha Theta
We are a professional society whose mission is to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. We seek to bring students and teachers together for intellectual and social exchanges, which promote and assist historical research and publication by our members in a variety of ways.
Primary Contact: Abbey Sedlak asedlak@cbu.edu
Phi Beta Sigma (Alpha Beta Delta)
Mission: Culture for Service and Service for Humanity.
Aim: To be a service to the CBU community.
Purpose: Brother, Scholarship, and Service.
Primary Contact: Chris V. Ray president36@phibetasigma1914.org
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc
The brothers of Phi Beta Sigma are the Fraternity’s most valuable resource and strength. They are the primary means by which the Phi Beta Sigma objectives will be achieved. In order to accomplish the Fraternity’s objectives, it is essential that systems are instituted that effectively embody “Culture For Service and Service For Humanity” and promote brotherhood, scholarship and service.
To optimize Phi Beta Sigma’s effectiveness, the Fraternity will:
- Strengthen and serve proactively the brotherhood, as a supportive resource that positively impacts the Fraternity’s growth and financial solvency.
- Reaffirm and maintain a strong commitment to brotherhood, scholarship and service.
- Ensure that the Fraternity programs are focused and committed to serving humanity.
- Create an environment that respects the dignity and worth of each brother.
- Exhibit integrity and ethical behavior in conducting the Fraternity’s business. serving as a model for all Greek-letter organizations.
- Maintain and improve the Fraternity’s technological literacy, in order to better service its members and the community at large.
- Foster and nurture our constitutional bond with Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
- Encourage a closer and mutually beneficial working relationship with fellow Greek-letter organizations, other community service organizations, businesses and government.
- Select leaders who are committed and have demonstrated their ability to lead.
Primary Contact: Jacob Byrd jbyrd10@cbu.edu
Phi Kappa Theta
Currently in the process of seeking full IFC membership.
Contact Info:
Andrew M. Leborious
Psychology Club/Psi-Chi
The purpose of Psi Chi shall be to encourage, stimulate, and maintain excellence in scholarship of the individual members in all fields, particularly in psychology, and to advance the science of psychology.
The purpose of the Christian Brothers University Psychology Club is to encourage student interest in the field of Psychology, to provide programs that expand knowledge of specific areas of Psychology, and to provide a means of social interaction where interested students can meet those with similar interests.
Primary Contact: Rachel Bennett rbennet3@cbu.edu
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
As brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, we strive to reach the highest standards of friendship, scholarship, leadership, and service throughout our lives. The values put forth by our Founding Fathers are as relevant today as they were in 1856. And we believe it’s our duty to follow them in order to better ourselves, our brothers, and everyone around us.
Primary Contact: Matthew McDaniel mmcdani5@cbu.edu
Society of Women Engineers
According to the SWE mission, the purpose of this organization is to “Empower women to achieve their full potential in careers as engineers and leaders; expand the image of the engineering and technology professions as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity and inclusion.”
Primary Contact: Carolina Cano ccanomor@cbu.edu
STARS (Students Tackling Autism-Related Syndromes)
It is the mission of STARS, Inc. to help students with autism successfully complete college and develop the necessary tools to thrive in life and career. We accomplish this mission by providing:
• a safe, supportive space in an inclusive environment.
• targeted programs to build social, academic, career, physical and mindfulness skills.
• leadership opportunities where the voices of students are heard and valued.
• awareness and education about autism on campus and in the larger community
• a holistic approach to serving students for their overall health and well-being.
Primary Contact: Alexandria Gipson agipson2@cbu.edu
Education Association (STEA) is composed of education majors and minors who are preparing to teach. Its purpose is to offer its members all the opportunities, responsibilities, and privileges of the National Education Association and the Tennessee Education Association and to acquaint future teachers with the history, ethics, and program of the organized teaching profession, as well as special projects benefiting students, faculty, administration, area schools, and other members of the community. Over 60,000 students across the country are members of STEA.
STEA is one of the nation’s largest state affiliates for students preparing to go into the field of education. Membership is open to students enrolled in any Tennessee college or university. Through its affiliation with the Tennessee Education Association (TEA) and the National Education Association (NEA), our student program leads tomorrow’s educators to a bright and promising professional future. STEA adds to your formal education by providing life lessons about salaries, contracts, competency testing, evaluation, discipline, certification requirements and more.
Primary Contact: Adina Garay agaray@cbu.edu
Student Activities Council
Program planning for the entire school.
Primary Contact: Madelynn Fay mfay@cbu.edu
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Our mission is to aid men in their mental, moral, and social development for life.
Primary Contact: Saif Elkhayyat selkhay1@cbu.edu
The Game Table
Our mission is to bring people together by providing a safe, stress-free space for everyone to enjoy each other’s company through board games, cards, and other various activities of the sort. By doing so, we would be forging unbreakable bonds among peers, encouraging socialization, exploration of interest, and team building.
Primary Contact: Alexis Sorg asorg@cbu.edu
The Hidden Opponent
The Hidden Opponent is an advocacy group that raises awareness for the mental health of student-athletes. This year, I will be a Campus Captain (or an ambassador) for THO and I would love to work with you and your department throughout the year. We believe that everyone should be able to speak openly about their mental health experiences without worrying about being judged or viewed as weak. We are using our platform to help amplify the voices and needs of student-athletes.
Mental health needs to be further addressed among college students. According to the most recent NCAA student-athlete mental well-being study, 47% of student-athletes felt they would be comfortable personally seeking support from a mental health provider on campus. 53% reported that coaches take the mental health concerns of their student-athletes seriously. Only half of the student-athletes believe that mental health is a priority to their athletics department. We have a long way to go to help student-athletes feel comfortable while talking about their mental health.
My role in all of this is to promote the conversation about mental health with hopes of improving the culture among athletes, coaches, athletic trainers, and anyone else involved with athletics at our school. I also want to educate people about mental health and how it plays an important role in our lives as student-athletes. I want your help in running programs that will strive to end the mental health stigma.
Throughout the year, I hope to promote THO online events with mental health professionals, present to individual teams about mental health, and provide students with resources if they are struggling or want to learn more about mental health. As I mentioned before, I would love your help with coordinating a few things throughout the school year. If you have any ideas, feel free to send them my way! If you would like to look into The Hidden Opponent or the Campus Captains program, here are links to our website and Instagram.
This year, I also hope to create a chapter of The Hidden Opponent here at CBU. I would love your support in this process. Through creating a chapter of THO, I want to get more students involved and possibly run a few mental health awareness games!
Overall, the purpose of The Hidden Opponent is to advocate, educate, and support student-athletes. We strive to raise awareness for student-athlete mental health and address the stigma within sports culture. We want to empower athletes around the world to face the hidden opponent together.
Primary Contact: Olivia Renta orenta@cbu.edu
The Sustainability Coalition
Joining Christian Brothers University’s spirited embrace of more sustainable business practices, the Student Sustainability Coalition is a collaborative organization whose mission is to promote sustainable activities on and off the CBU campus that will serve as a learning tool for students and administrators, bringing much-needed attention to underrepresented areas of campus operations.
Keeping in mind the overall environmental impact of the people and communities in which we live and serve, the sustainability club would like to develop long-range conservation strategies, establish and expand environmental research and academic programs, and promote local economic development, social justice, and public health goals.
With a commitment to community service as our foundation, and a strong desire to move boldly and set new, higher standards for sustainability, we look forward to collaborating with the various university committees, student groups, and local institutions in our always continuing efforts to enrich our shared living experiences.
Primary Contact: Areli Cortes acortesh@cbu.edu
Theta Tau
To help provide engineering students get ready for the four years of college and after college.
Primary Contact: Koung Nonhprasith knonhpra@cbu.edu
Voices United
Our mission as a student organization is to educate and engage individuals on social justice issues both on and off campus.
In order to fulfill the organization’s mission statement, all leaders must be open minded to keeping events, activities, volunteering opportunities diverse.
Primary Contact: Brenda Lucero Amador bamador@cbu.edu
Young Life College in Memphis
Young Life College in Memphis seeks to build authentic relationships with students while they are in college in Memphis. We believe college can be a wonderful time and a hard time. We want to offer Community, Adventure, and Significance. Young Life College meets weekly on Wednesday nights for large group. We take service trips to Young Life Camps throughout the year. YLC hosts small groups and Bible Studies. Young Life College is a non-profit that seeks to share the love of Jesus with students while they are in college.
Primary Contact: Stephen Moten stephenmoten@gmail.com
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc
To foster the ideas of service, charity, scholarship, civil and cultural endeavors, sisterhood and finer womanhood. These ideals are reflected in the sorority’s national program for which its members and auxiliary groups provide voluntary service to staff, community outreach programs, fund scholarships, support organized charities, and promote legislation for social and civic change.
Primary Contact: Tori Fox tfox4@cbu.edu
Zeta Tau Alpha lota Xi Chapter
The mission of Zeta Tau Alpha is to make a difference in the lives of our membership by developing the potential of each individual through innovative programming which emphasizes leadership development, service to others, academic achievement and continued personal growth for women, with a commitment to friendship and the future based on the sisterhood, values and traditions of the past.
Primary Contact: Virginia Abigail Nelson vnelson3@cbu.edu