Campus Police & Safety
From the Director of Campus Police & Safety
On behalf of the officers and staff of the Christian Brothers University Department of Campus Police & Safety, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you. We are committed to providing a safe and enjoyable environment for our students, faculty, staff and visitors. The Department of Campus Police & Safety (DPCS) employs well-trained officers who provide many services, including crime prevention, law enforcement, security services, parking control, and emergency management.
The Department of Campus Police & Safety is comprised of sworn campus police officers and non-sworn campus security officers. Both complement each other in enforcing laws and regulations and providing for the overall protection of our campus. All campus police officers are graduates of the police academy and are compliant with all requirements of the Tennessee Peace Officers Standards and Training Commission. Furthermore, they are armed and empowered to make arrests.
While we consider our campus to be very safe, we do from time to time experience criminal acts like any other university located within an urban setting. We work to ensure safety by providing proper lighting for the grounds, establishing proactive patrols, and maintaining a network of surveillance cameras but we must still encourage the members of our community to take interest in providing for their own personal safety.
DPCS operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Readily accessible emergency phones are placed strategically around the campus and connect directly with DPCS. Escorts are offered in the evening hours for members of our community by simply calling DPCS. Escorts may be on foot or by vehicle. DPCS also provides resources of information on a variety of crime prevention topics. A member of our department is always available to answer questions and can attend group meetings to discuss prevention techniques.
I welcome your suggestions, ideas and participation as we strive to provide the best in campus safety and related services.
John Lotrionte
Director of Campus Police & Safety